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Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:54 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
I see Air Canada is laying off half of their employees , that is truly a very bad state of affairs for aviation.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:59 pm
by Colonel
It's not just aviation. Canada is fucked. Hairdo Dolly is spending
a $250B deficit this year, last I heard. That will cripple the economy
for years to come.

Expect a 50 (40?) cent loonie and 80% income taxes to pay for all
this madness. Everyone in Canada is going to be a lot poorer, going
forward, to pay for this left wing idiotic shutdown and handout.

Venezuela, here we come!

I know everyone hated Stephen Harper, but he ran surpluses.
The heralded model United Kingdom experts have largely used to guide their coronavirus policies is “totally unreliable,” according to experts.

The criticisms follow a series of policy turnabouts, including Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to extend the national lockdown. The United States also used the model, which predicted upwards of 2.2 million deaths in the US without proper action. The prediction helped influence the White House to adopt a more serious approach to the pandemic.

Experts have derided the coding from Professor Neil Ferguson, warning that it is a “buggy mess that looks more like a bowl of angel hair pasta than a finely tuned piece of programming.”

“In our commercial reality, we would fire anyone for developing code like this and any business that relied on it to produce software for sale would likely go bust,” David Richards, co-founder of British data technology company WANdisco, told the Daily Telegraph.

Ferguson, the virus modeler from Imperial College London and a scientific adviser to the government, warned on March 16 that 500,000 people could die from the pandemic without significant action. Prime Minister Boris Johnson responded by imposing a national lockdown, which has only been loosened within the last week.
The Elite Left just fucked everyone. The media and the academics work together
with the socialists to justify their insane power grab and destroy the economy.
Ferguson himself resigned from his advisory role earlier this month after reports emerged that he defied his own lockdown advice by letting his married lover visit him on two occasions.
What sleazy, lying scum the Left are.

When do we get to see the proof of Russia Collusion that Elite Left have been threatening
us with, for THREE YEARS now?


And the whole Coronavirus death toll is complete BULLSHIT. Just because someone dies
with Coronavirus, doesn't mean they died solely BECAUSE of Coronavirus.

Pump that numerator boys! Scare those people into staying home so the scumball Left
can seize power!

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 8:15 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
Canada has that dope smoking idiot Trudeau and the USA has Nancy Pelosi it is difficult to decide who is the worse off.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 8:17 pm
by Colonel
I suspect that Canada's economy is going to be much more badly wounded.

I hope I'm wrong, but pessimists, like a broken clock, are correct twice a day.

Canada is in deep economic trouble. This will not go away in a couple months.

There will be many years of pain ahead, to pay for this socialist power grab.

Look at East Germany from space, to learn the damage that socialism does.

Canadians should travel to North Korea or Venezuela to learn about the benefits
of socialism. Or Cambodia, where the socialists killed 25% of their population
and Jimmy Carter tried to deny it and cover it up.

Or how about the Ukraine, where Soviet Russia starved ten million Ukrainians
to death. See Holodomor.

That's what Canadians want! A powerful, autocratic centralized government of
the Elite Left. It's worked out so well in the past - EVERY TIME IT WAS TRIED.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 10:31 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
A couple of years after they opened the wall separating West Germany from East Germany I took a trip by train to Poland.

The difference between the the two was breath taking, sort of like going into a different world, the poor bastards who suffered under communism had been living in total poverty.

If the left get their way we will look like East Germany and Poland looked like.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 11:16 pm
by Colonel
I don't know a single person that died from Coronavirus.

I don't know a single person, that knows anyone that died from Coronavirus.

But, my kid watched a taildragger crash and burn last weekend at Byron - glider tow op went bad.

Is everyone giving up flying?

Of course not. This destruction of our economy is not rational. It will have HORRIBLE fucking consequences, however.

This is so fucking simple: if you're under 60, GO BACK TO FUCKING WORK.

Does anyone like money, any more?

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 11:57 pm
by Liquid_Charlie
I tell you one thing this forum has more going on now, looks like all the "aces" are just plain depressed or is that plane -- who knows, there are some areas enjoying a very busy time the "don't shave yet terminal glory walkers" bunch ain't one of them - freight dogs and northern pilots were always shit on by many in this group but now the worm has turned. The bullshit poured into their heads by these puppy mill schools is finally getting a granddad of a reality check. Hell of a way to grow up with that eye opener. I'm thinking mickey "D,s" will not have such a shortage of help in the near future.

Full circle - again!!! the employers are now back in the driver's seat and it will be interesting how they treat pilots. I'm guessing there will be a bit of a regression back to the "good old" days circa 1980

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 12:11 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
Full circle - again!!! the employers are now back in the driver's seat and it will be interesting how they treat pilots. I'm guessing there will be a bit of a regression back to the "good old" days circa 1980
It never really changes Charlie, the employers know there are pilots out there who will pay to be able to fly and build time so it will be back to slave labor wages and accidents caused by cutting corners to close.

It has been like that for the over sixty years I have been a pilot.

However I was smart enough to choose the better paying jobs like crop spraying, water bombing and bush / Arctic flying.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 1:29 am
by Slick Goodlin
I’m pretty confident I stand right in the middle of the layoff crosshairs but I try to be a resilient guy and can go pretty austere when I have to. The wife not so much but I can deal with that when it happens. Anyways, hopefully I have my supremely-looked-down-on temporary job just about secured and I just keep saying that the only people flying for money next year will be the ones who really love it. I figure the weenies are by and large going to flush out of the industry. I’m actually looking forward to some fun flying with good people.

Re: Sad state of aviation.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:28 am
by Colonel
It used to be said, in the Old Days, that an airline pilot could expect to be furloughed
three times in his career. Given 9/11, 2008 derivatives and 2020 FakeVirus, that advice
doesn't look to be too antiquated after all.
circa 1980
Historians - in the distant future, not the communist academics we have now - will look
back on the damage Trudeau Sr did to Canada with his reckless spending, and the resulting
impoverishment of the country in the 1980's and 1990's. Because Canadians think that being
a substitute drama teacher is adequate experience for running the country, Trudeau Jr did
EXACTLY THE SAME THING as his communist father - spent the country broke, impoverishing
it for many years to come.

Canada just can't get enough Trudeau. The cost of that insane communist dynasty to the
country is incalculable. Oh yeah, Trudeau Jr decided that the appropriate course of action
during the FakeVirus was to ban scary semi-automatic rifles in Canada. If that doesn't remind
you of something a totalitarian communist government would do, I not sure what would.

Are Canadians up for some good ol' Pol Pot? Some Khmer Rouge action? Maybe Rockie
could be put in charge of the re-education camps?