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too much congestion

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:33 pm
by Liquid_Charlie
Given the break thread I though bring up throttle, power lever, thrust lever and the obsession to someone to have those sticks in hand when they are a helper. On take off I usually go to the yolk after power setting and if an F/O is fine adjust thrust, do it then get your hands away from the levers and hand on quadrant "guarding" is at your own risk cuz I will hurt you if i reject. On the jets I have flown you don't want your hands on the thrust levers because not many runways are smooth and a bounce (140kt+ rotation) could actually cause you the retard, hovering over top is one method but time from yoke there is very little difference. The herc would be like a bucking bronco on some ice runways but then again the F/E was a great set of eyes and always monitoring engines.

Landing - on the levers until flare(except in a jet) if you are actually flaring two hand always worked better for me, likely because of all the aircraft with heavy control I've flown, the convairs were a slut. I have actually seen a throttle bent on a Cessna on floats. The twin Otter was one of the worst, I would always chase my helpers away and tell the to sit on their hands. Guys who would reach up and squeeze them together pinching you hand, lets say I would not so politely rip them a new ass hole. Damn that could hurt. So bottom line stay away from my levers unless briefed otherwise.

Damn us old fuckers have so many perceived bad habits :mrgreen:


Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:53 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
What is old when it comes to pilots?

Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:46 am
by Liquid_Charlie
pilots who were flying prior to deregulation and when it was air regs and ANO's and 126.7 was very quiet and rarely used. Thumb on the map or doing a range approach and of course when penicillin cured everything - :mrgreen:


Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:58 am
by Colonel
What is old when it comes to pilots?
A five digit (new-fangled) licence/file number! That by itself is probable cause for Jim Pfaff to pull your medical.

Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:13 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
and of course when penicillin cured everything - :mrgreen:
Except your ruined marriage when you gave the clap to your wife before you got the penicillin. :mrgreen:

Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:15 am
by Liquid_Charlie
I was smart didn't get married until i was 40 --lol

Re: too much congestion

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:38 pm
by Colonel
One airplane. One engine. One pilot. One throttle.


That's good enough for me, even if TC thinks we're shit sticks.
