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YouTube & Viemo Linking Tools

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:36 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
Hi all as many of you know I have been busy with life (new baby) and work and had not been able to sit down and fix some issues this site was having. I tried to find a computer guy who would help fix these issues, first guy flaked out and I guess had better things to do than deal with my crappy little forum. The second although a good guy wanted 2500 bucks to do all the things I asked which at the moment is out of my price range and he took 4 weeks to get a qoute back to me saying his email was acting up.... (hmm computer guy who has a 4 week email issue maybe not worth it)

I finally have gotten some sleep and a routine, long story short the first on my list the long awaited YOUTUBE & Vimeo buttons so you can link your videos to this site directly is up and running. Youtube 3rd from right and Vimeo 3 from left (sorry not that skilled to group them yet)



Re: YouTube & Viemo Linking Tools

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:29 pm
by David MacRay