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What next?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:08 am
by Slick Goodlin
Somehow, and I’m not sure how, after years of being called the worst and accused of being what’s wrong with aviation I actually got kind of good at this.  Competent.  Comfortable.  And the thing is I find that weirdly worrying.  Complacency kills, after all.

So now what?  I can steer a plane good and think my way out of most wet paper bags but feel like I should be challenging myself with something new.  I don’t really want to sit back and let myself get fat, dumb and happy all while souring to the enjoyment that got me flying in the first place, that would be a terrible waste.  So what’s a broke-ass* three bars to do?  Anyone else been in my spot?

*I hate when people give money as an excuse when it’s often a matter of priorities, but at the moment my priority is to keep the house and knock down some debt.  Tragically that means, “Buy an S-1,” is out.

Re: What next?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:36 pm
by Eric Janson
Do you have the option to join the training department? That could offer some interesting experiences.

Teaching is a gift - not something you can learn imho. If you have this gift you should definitely try and put it to use.

Re: What next?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:50 pm
by David MacRay
I'm pretty sure flying those Cubs is the best thing you can do for keeping up your, ahem.... Flightchops.

Any random learning and or tests may help keep your mind sharp.

I suppose you could go do ground school if you can find one or do the online one that Harv's offers. I bet there is a bunch of trivial things you forgot. How often a 23year old guy needs to get a medical. How many feet behind a certain size turbo prop to expect a 45 know prop wash.. Who the minister is responsible to. Etc...

Maybe learn another language. My difficultly with that was finding French guys to talk to. I really should learn Mandrine, or whatever rural language my Chinese pal speaks but I don't know if very many people speak it.