Close your hangar door

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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

...when doing work on your airplane.

Alright, admittedly we’ll never know for sure what the first link was in the chain that ended in this: ... 621218.pdf

...but I can see it playing out there exactly the same as it has around me before, when someone will be wrenching on their airplane and another well-meaning individual (or worse - a crowd) walks in and strikes up a conversation.  Distractions happen, things get missed, it gets late, I end up being offered a plane to fly that had no cotter pins or safety wire forward of the firewall.  Good thing a good portion of the engine was visible on the walk around to get me looking deeper.

So what’s my point?  Well, umm, I guess you can either have a good helper who actually helps, or you can lock the hangar door and tell everyone to screw off so you don’t miss crap.

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