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This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:37 am
by Colonel

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:55 am
by Eric Janson
Tragic news.
The real tragedy is the complete lack of safety culture that allows an airline like Lion Air to continue operations.

The end result is inevitable.

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:03 pm
by Colonel
[b]Not crashing[/b] - what we might call [b]safety[/b] - ceased being priority #1
in aviation a long time ago.  How low it gets pushed down the list is
a function of where you are.

You don't have to travel very far to find that.  There's a virtue-signalling tier #3
airline in Ontario that proudly advertises that it does [b]NOT[/b] hire the [i]best[/i] pilots, it
hires the most [i]politically-correct[/i] ones.

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:31 pm
by Slick Goodlin
[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9265.msg25444#msg25444 date=1540821806]
[b]safety[/b] - ceased being priority #1
Safety is the job of the regulator, for the operators the priority has always been profit.  If the two both do their parts you end up with a company flying safely to ensure that they will be making profits for decades to come.

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:22 pm
by Liquid Charlie
what regulator and the total irony, safety is not an issue if the paperwork is all good and in order 

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:12 pm
by David MacRay
This safety thing sounds expensive. We just need some NPCs up front to tell ATC what time the FMS will be arriving at the FAF.

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:18 pm
by Slick Goodlin
[quote author=Eric Janson link=topic=9265.msg25441#msg25441 date=1540806934]
The real tragedy is the complete lack of safety culture that allows an airline like Lion Air to continue operations.
Their insurance company must hate them ... _accidents

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:30 pm
by Colonel
On the subject of profit ... rarely do I hear people state that accidents are inexpensive.

Not crashing is everyone’s job.  In my world.

Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:38 am
by Nark1
I had a girl in tears.  I though her parents died while giving their cancer stricken cat a flea bath kind of crying. 

There were Storms in South Florida.  Well no shit...

She wanted to know if we were going to die.  I said about 3-4 politically correct company approved statements.  Didn’t phase her.  Still balling like a child.
Did I mention she was probably 25-30?

I finally said, “look lady, I don’t want to die, and from where I sit, I’ll be the first one. I’m not taking off if I think it is unsafe.  You can get off the plane or take a seat.  Your choice.”

I saw her as she was getting off at the Colombian destination, Said it was one of the most pleasant flights she’s ever had. 


Re: This will come as a complete surprise to EricJ

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:40 am
by Colonel
[quote]I had a girl in tears[/quote]

You have that effect on women, too?

[quote]She wanted to know if we were going to die[/quote]

The truthful answer is "Yes, of course!".  Eventually, we all die.

I need to find the cockpit footage of Tucker (Sean, not Carlson)
flying a Pitts S-2B with a metal blade prop.  Guess what happened,
with Sean flying - the crankshaft broke.  There's a surprise.

Well, Sean tells the lady in the front seat, I've got bad news
and I've got good news.

The bad news, Sean says, is that we've lost the propeller.

The good news, Sean says, is that you're flying with the best
pilot in the world.

And then he does a flawless power-off (duh) landing to the
airport below.

Hm.  Maybe there's a reason airline pilots don't like airshow
pilots.  Let me think about that.


Now, now.  Look at your bank account.  It will cheer you up.

PS  bought myself another cute little toy.  No, not the ones
from Ottawa with Bluetooth.

[url= ... e34298731/] ... e34298731/[/url]

Buncha pervs in Ottawa, I tell ya.