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Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:08 pm
by David MacRay
They are going to start four V-12 merlins in about an hour. Going to miss that but I will probably see it when they do it the second time at 14:00.

There is also a scale model show. I'll be in a Bubba Gump T-shirt if you are looking for me.

Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:25 pm
by Liquid Charlie
I was in a ground school several years ago and was given some photos of them putting the Lanc together. My instructor was an old Lanc engineer and was down there to help get one of the engines running. I met him after he had spent many years as a F/E on Hercs and he did all our ground school initials and recurrents for a long time -- The pictures are circa 2002


Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:09 pm
by David MacRay
Those pictures are pretty good. Thank you for the link. They have done a fair amount of work on things since then.

I remember being there for a single engine run up in the past. It is fun to see all four start up. It is nice to see it seem to come to life.

It was a good day. There was a scale model show/contest and lots of people but not so many you couldn't move. I have a monster brand go pro copy, I made a video but seems I have to figure out how to get it off the camera and onto YouTube.

They let you in the cockpit through the nose entrance and you can go through until you exit through the big door on the starboard side. My son wanted to go through it but basically didn't stop for anything. He played in the mid upper gun turret they have set up specifically for kids of all ages to check out in a small section of fusilage, and the Tutor they have in snowbird colors kids can play in and get pictures taken wearing a flight helmet.

The Mosquito is starting to look like an airplane now, I think it is only being re-built for static also but there certainly are quite a few artifacts there. The information on the WW-II British air training fields many which have disappeared and some which have become airports is quite good.

Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:02 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
I was chatting with Ewan Mcgregor awhile back, He's coming up with a new documentary about the 100th anniversary of the RAF next year so keep your eye out for that.

I had watched another one he had done about the Battle of Britain with his brother Colin who's an RAF pilot and he mentioned that he had done another one called "Bomber Boys" check it out if you have the time.


Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:17 am
by David MacRay
You're supposed to tell me when you are going for wings with Obi Wan Kenobi.

Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:08 am
by ScudRunner-d95
Just a happen chance meeting, he films Fargo here in YYC. Nice guy wouldn't know he's a big time star.

Funny true story which I told him

I was up in the Yukon flying  this was 2004,  I was getting gas for my truck and walked in to pay.
There where some guys on touring/off road type motorbikes gearing up and had filled their tanks. I walked in to pay and one held the door as I walked in,I said thank you and approached the clerk.

I knew her as it was a small town and said Hi,

she said  "do you know who that is! ?" 

Me "um guy on motor bike? ??? "

Clerk " No its the guy who plays Obi Wan off Star Wars!"

Me " Alec Guinness ?"

Clerk " nooo the young one!"

Me " oh Ewan McGregor!, no way, why would he be riding his motorbike through the Yukon"

Clerk " its totally him!"

Me " sure it was gotta run"

And 6 months later I am watching the long way round as the "Young Obi Wan" rides his bike through the Yukon, dam she was right ! Obi Wan held the door for me.

True story Ewan got a laugh out of that


Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:59 am
by David MacRay
For some reason I really wanted to do that route. Best would be from New York to London or the other direction.

Here to London would be good. I know getting the support required just to have fuel in place would be pretty daunting. It fascinates me that the bearing straight at one point is only a little over 100 kilometers of ocean.

Really makes me wonder why Russia does not set up a nice line of airports a few hundred miles apart. Seems like it would be nice to take light singles back and forth that way instead of across the North Atlantic. I guess they just don't want some guy, who would eventually be played by Tom Cruise bringing in drugs.

Have you been as far west as Nome?

Re: Nanton, Lancaster engine run

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:27 pm
by David MacRay
Here is a video of it from 2015. They did not broadcast the pilot reading the checklist this time.