The coronavirus debacle.

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So, are all the rioters and looters "sheltering-in-place" like the
stupid people who pay taxes and obey the rules?

Last week, Coronavirus was the biggest threat the world had ever seen.

Now it doesn't seem to matter any more. Rioters and looters are free to
do what tax-paying, law-abiding people are afraid to do.

Is it possible that all these media narratives are entirely fact-free?

Talk to me about Russia Collusion. The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings,
with all the endless druggings and repeated gang rapes by Supreme Court
Justices. The Ukraine phone call impeachment. The yearly flu virus.

All endless bullshit, which will only end after Joe Biden is elected in November.

I get it. Alec Baldwin just came out and said that. He's not exactly fringe - he's
Hollywood Royalty.

Here's another Hero of the Left:
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Monday that she is lifting her state's stay-at-home order effective next week, easing restrictions placed on businesses and public gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic
I suppose if you're going to let the rioters and looters destroy the cities, you can
let the tax-paying, law-abiding people out of their houses?

There are plenty of police around to arrest small business owners, that try to
compete with the big box stores that were allowed to stay open.

But where are the police when the rioters and looters are burning the cities
down, night after night after night after night?

Pretty selective application of the law.

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Victor Davis Hanson, History Professor:
Victor Davis Hanson suggested that Democratic leaders who have failed to deescalate riots and looting in their cities have done so in the hope that "this disaster would succeed in getting rid of Donald Trump."

"It's [an] election year and I think a lot of the Left thought where Robert Mueller, impeachment, COVID, and the lockdown failed, maybe this disaster would succeed in getting rid of Donald Trump," Hanson said.
The lockdowns and the riots will continue until the election in November is won by the Left.
Chuck Ellsworth
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The lockdowns and the riots will continue until the election in November is won by the Left.
And what will life be like then?
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Venezuela. North Korea. East Germany. Cambodia in the 1970's, the genocide of which Jimmy Carter tried to cover for.

The Left has already started re-writing history - these Joe Biden rallies (riots, looting)
did not involve Antifa, according to PBS, and were perpetrated by Russians and White
Supremacists according to the Democrats.

Finally! We see proof of Russia Collusion!

All of the footage of the looting will be scrubbed from the internet, naturally, because
the inconvenient facts will interfere with the narrative.
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Notice that Florida and Texas - run by Republicans - don't seem to
have much of a problem with riots and looting?
Gov. DeSantis’ first George Floyd remarks: Zero tolerance for rioting, looting ... like-guns/

Notice that New York and California - run by Democrats - don't want
to interfere with their voters in an election year.

You're not allowed to say this in public, of course. Any place the Left
runs, turns into a toilet pretty quickly. Been to LA or SF recently?
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The main factor driving the size of the democrat party is the ignorance of the people who support it.

Power driven by collecting the most ignorant in society.

Biden has no clue of where or what he is and and senility does not get better.

Can you imagine how wild the left would go if Trump were to talk about letting the roaches play with the hair on his legs in the swimming pool?
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The conventional media is the marketing arm of the Democratic Party,
which is the most ironic name ever. They ought to be called the Power
Party, because that's what they're after. They whine like babies when
they lose a Democratic election, despite the CIA, DOJ and FBI doing
their best to spike it.

Academia is another arm of the Left. Their job is to indoctrinate youth
who emerge with crippling debt and no skills, thanks to the post-secondary
institutions. They create this army of dissatisfied, unemployable youths
with bizarre ideas. You can see them on TV every night at the Joe Biden Rallies.

The Left want POWER and CONTROL. If you've ever dealt with TC, you
will understand.
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There have been no new cases of the novel coronavirus among the hundreds who flouted social distancing guidelines and attended pool parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend, a state health official said this week.

Videos and photos that showed hundreds of partygoers prompted health officials in the state to express concerns that the large gatherings would lead to a surge in cases of COVID-19. Those who attended were urged to self-quarantine and get tested, while officials in St. Louis County — Lake of the Ozarks is a popular getaway for people who live in St. Louis — later issued a travel advisory.

Later, a Missouri man who spent time at one of the pool bars over the holiday weekend was found to be positive for the novel virus, potentially exposing hundreds of others. But on Wednesday, Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, said state health officials are not currently aware of any additional cases linked to the pool parties.
The false narrative of the #Fakevirus yearly flu, like Russia Collusion, seems to
have vanished, like the Kavanaugh repeated gang rapes and the Ukraine phone
call, which we were told by Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff was an existential
threat to the Constitution.

The Left have moved onto nightly riots and looting as a way to destroy the country
in time for November. I like the strategically placed bins of rocks and bricks for the
nightly Joe Biden Rallies.
Chuck Ellsworth
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The USA used to be one of the best places on earth to live.

Thanks to the democratic party it is becoming one of the worst shit holes on earth.

One of the tools to bring the people into submission was the farce of coronavirus being worse than the plague.

I can not imagine any sane country having someone as far into senility as Biden as their choice for the leader of the country.

Insane, just insane.
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Politics is such a toxic environment, those that want to do good are often weeded out well before they have a chance.

I'm a conservative first and foremost, and no, not the Canadian party kind of Conservative. I tend to vote Republican, which is right leaning.
With that said, Tusli Gabbard had a great shot becoming the next president. She, well is a she, so there is a few million votes for identity politics right there. More importantly, she had substance behind her idea's and proposals. She threatened the power structure of the Democratic Party, and got in to pissing match with her highness, Hillary.

The primary field was filled with candidates, that were simply "not Donald Trump." That's what they campaigned on...
I find it really amazing that butigieg and Klobuchar dropped out, and within 2 seconds endorsed Biden, despite being nearly tied, delegates wise... hmmm Bernie, an admired socialist was gathering strength, and there was no way he was going to get the nomination, because that gives Trump the election on a silver platter.
So now you're left with one guy who has spent 36 years in public service doing.... what exactly? A lot of scandalous stuff.

He held the second most powerful office for 8 years, nibbling at the ear of the most powerful man and did nothing... well, not entirely nothing, there are a lot of scandals to pick at.

I would give my left nut to see a person like General (Secretary) Mattis in the office. There are countless stories about his character, like standing watch on Christmas so a lance corporal can eat a hot meal. A 3 star (at the time) telling an E3 to "go get hot chow, I got this."
I really like Rep Crenshaw from Texas. He gets it. He is cool and collected at all times. He understand what the country needs, and delvers for his constituents.

Anyway, long winded way of saying, we have a shitty election upcoming. Biden will have a stroke, and whichever woman he chooses as his VP will have step her A game.
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