The coronavirus debacle.

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Chuck Ellsworth
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Chuck, I owe you an apology. Years ago, when we first ran across each other on the other site and you said stuff like this I'd argue with you, vigorously, over it because it was so difficult to believe and it was so different from the experiences I had had with the lower echelons of TC.
Hey, no big deal it is real difficult to get ideas and personal beliefs across on the internet.

The top echelons of Government is a magnet for psychopaths and when they feel they are being exposed they close ranks and protect each other.

However that does not always work for them as evidenced by my long struggle to get justice for their abuse of power.

It was well worth the years of work and the cost of fighting them in the legal system and the pure joy of getting rid of some of their top offenders.

Not to mention being forced to find work outside of Canada during that time period was the best thing that ever happened to me work and money wise.

On the corona virus issue it is looking like it is less deadly than first thought, and the effort against it is being focused in the wrong pace.

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the tendency towards psychopathic behavior increases sharply in the higher ranks of the civil service.

I am using psychopathic in it's literal sense; without empathy, manipulative and above all, egocentric. There are a disturbing number of high ranking bureaucrats who view the entire civil service, and by extension the entire nation, as something that exists to gratify them.
I am not a constitutional scholar, an infectious disease expert, nor a psychiatrist.

But I have also noticed a disturbing percentage of narcissistic sociopaths - or people
that faithfully and consistently display their traits - amongst people who are promoted
is systems that are not meritocracies.

The system selects them, because those are the characteristics that are required for
success in those hierarchies.

Of course, I am talking about James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Rod
Rosenstein, Peter Strok and Lisa Page. They tried to stage a coup against a
legally elected President, after they unsuccessfully attempted to sabotage his
election. Incredibly, this isn't of interest to many people. A fucking coup.
There are a disturbing number of high ranking bureaucrats who view the entire civil service, and by extension the entire nation, as something that exists to gratify them.
Yes, that describes them perfectly. They are entitled to their entitlements. They
are the Elite. With a little luck, they might spend some time in jail, but don't hold
your breath. White people don't go to jail - they just pay the money back.

Except Arlo. I don't expect to ever get my laptop and phone back. How fucking petty.
being forced to find work outside of Canada
I hear ya. Bob Hoover had to move to Australia if he wanted to fly, too.

A while back, Chuck Schumer made a mistake and told the truth in public. You don't
fuck with the bureaucrats.
Chuck Ellsworth
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When will we be able to live normal lives again, or will the powers to be keep the fear virus rules in place forever?
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After the November elections, I think we will be allowed to get back to work.

This shutdown is political, and has nothing to do with science or even medicine.
More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home from school a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."

The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to "poverty and financial uncertainty," which "is closely linked to poor health."

"We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients," the doctors say in their letter. "The downstream health effects ... are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error."

The letter continues: "The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.

"Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise."

"The very initial argument ... which sounded reasonable three months ago, is that in order to limit the overwhelmed patient flux into hospitals that would prevent adequate care, we needed to spread out the infections and thus the deaths in specific locales that could become hotspots, particularly New York City... It was a valid argument at the beginning based on the models that were given," McDonald said. "What we've seen now over the last three months is that no city -- none, zero -- outside of New York has even been significantly stressed."

McDonald is referring to the misconception that business closures and stay-at-home orders aimed at "flattening the curve" are meant to reduce the total number of people who will fall ill because of the coronavirus. Rather, these curve-flattening measures are meant largely to reduce the number of people who are sick at any given time, thus avoiding a surge in cases that overwhelms the health care system and causes otherwise preventable deaths because not all patients are able to access lifesaving critical care.

McDonald said that "hospitals are not only not overwhelmed, they're actually being shut down." He noted that at one hospital in the Los Angeles area where Dr. Simone Gold, the head organizer of the letter, works "the technicians in the ER have been cut by 50 percent."
This shutdown is a left-wing power grab, which will conveniently destroy
the economy, which the left made clear is their game plan.

The Left will blame Trump for the damage they have caused, when the
election rolls around.

The Left hates their country, and will happily damage it to gain power.

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"The vast majority of the people that contract this disease are asymptomatic or so minimally symptomatic that they're not even aware that they're sick.

And so the denominator in our calculation of mortality rate is far greater than we think," he said.

"The risk of dying from COVID is relatively small when we consider these facts."
Gee, who's been saying that for fucking MONTHS now?!

I had this stupid fucking virus months ago, and I'm no spring chicken.

Put away your crayons and coloring books, and GET BACK TO FUCKING WORK!

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I actually heard someone the other day, compare this stupid #Fakevirus to Ebola.

Please, remove your heads from your @sses.

Decades from now, historians will note that Trudeau Sr bankrupted the country
with reckless spending in the 1970's and Canada suffered terribly for it in the
1980's and even 1990's.

Canada of course wanted more of that, so they elected Trudeau Jr and he
bankrupted the country with reckless spending in 2020 which will take decades
to recover from.

What's it called, when someone keeps making the same mistake over and over again?
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Alberta Premier Jason Kenney:

“In Canada, 95 percent of fatalities from Covid are from those over the age of 60, 80 percent are in care facilities and
the risk of death from Covid for people under 60 is 0.0006 percent.”
Chuck Ellsworth
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It is my opinion that the handling of this virus and the damage it is doing to society by those in power will in the end be seen for what it is, the biggest over reaction ever seen in society.

The backlash towards the people who have kept this going is going to be something to see, hopefully they will be punished in relation to the damage they are causing society.
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It's hard to believe that people honestly think that Russia Collusion
or the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing fiasco were based in fact.

Like #Fakevirus, they know it's a hoax, and it's an excuse for a
power grab.
the risk of death from Covid for people under 60 is 0.0006 percent
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Last night, I was watching the riots on TV and toasting pop-tarts.

Reporter on the ground in NY worries that not all the protesters
are wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

Old anchor in the studio replies, "I think they're wearing masks
for a different reason tonight"
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