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Chuck Ellsworth

Ban the bastard.  ;D

Gravel Digger
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Reminds me of a fellow I used to fly with. 14 hour duty day of the most bland anecdotes the world has ever seen. "Well the best place to buy birdseed is....but I generally find corn in the seed, so I guess it really isn't the best, now when you buy duct tape sometimes you can get a bulk package, but sometimes the quality suffers, it dries out, and I always tell my wife no-name Cheerios are close enough to the real thing, and that reminds me of this one time...
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It's such a pleasure to read and post here because it's about aircraft, flying and events around that. Little humour and swipes at the status quo is refreshing. The other place is a broken record with the group, for the large part, lamenting about no jobs. Those are the guys who drank the kool-aide and figure airline life is the end all and be all. The guys who remained in their freight, northern and essential service part are busy and raking in the bucks and complaining about being too busy. I have to wonder why the airline group doesn't realise that the mainline freight companies have past them by for money and life style. --

I think this site is doing just fine and the crossover lurkers just don't have the cojones to participate nor the love and interest in aviation, flying and being the best pilot they possibly can.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
Dean Keaton

The Wild West™ is not for everyone. Seth MacFarlane even made a movie about it.
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I'd say good ole fashion word of mouth is working well, that is how I ended up here. I used to check out Av in the mornings with my breakfast, read a lot of Chucks post, then one day I went to message him and couldn't find him, someone else on the site sent me a link and told me I could find him here. I don't think I have ever loaded their page since.
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Rosco P Coltrane
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Scud could fix the broken link to the forum on the main page.

Unless he quit like so many others that have left.
Chuck Ellsworth
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I'd say good ole fashion word of mouth is working well, that is how I ended up here. I used to check out Av in the mornings with my breakfast, read a lot of Chucks post, then one day I went to message him and couldn't find him, someone else on the site sent me a link and told me I could find him here. I don't think I have ever loaded their page since.
I was permanently banned from their site because I made a simple post agreeing with another post about some of the northern towns being unsafe to leave an airplane parked over night.

Apparently they are so P.C. over there that you are not allowed to post the truth.
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Chuck Ellsworth wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:00 pm
I'd say good ole fashion word of mouth is working well, that is how I ended up here. I used to check out Av in the mornings with my breakfast, read a lot of Chucks post, then one day I went to message him and couldn't find him, someone else on the site sent me a link and told me I could find him here. I don't think I have ever loaded their page since.
I was permanently banned from their site because I made a simple post agreeing with another post about some of the northern towns being unsafe to leave an airplane parked over night.

Apparently they are so P.C. over there that you are not allowed to post the truth.
I remember, and although I have never parked an airplane up north I know we never left our choppers left alone while up there so I would have to agree with you. I personally did not have any issues on the other site, but I wanted to chat with and learn from pilots like yourself, without the trolling, so I jumped on over. I get the feeling though I am not the typical flight student I have different goals and dreams that seem to be more inline with this site.

I guess I'm just trying to say I'm glad someone told me you were on here, and happy to learn from you. and your coharts,
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Rosco P Coltrane
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Location: Behind a billboard in Hazard County watching for spambots.

It's like an off leash for assholes. We have never banned a single soul here. When it comes to moderating. I move things from the Aviation Board to another forum for being off topic sometimes. I used to have to fix quite a few quotes on the last version, and that's about it. If someone ever posted something racist enough we would swiftly deal with it. I have only ever seen one post reported.
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Strangely I don't think numbers matter as much as participation. If you have a dozen active posters fielding interesting shit you will have a much more active and fun place to hang out than with a bunch of lurkers who sandbag but contribute very little. This is a more mature group interested in flying and aeroplanes and not jobs and pay or pissing ourselves because someone might be using one's head instead of being obsessed with some rule. People who want to be a big frog in a little pond don't seem to last here very long - I wonder why?
New members are great and are welcomed, we can only hope they will participate. There is a lot of experience and knowledge here for the asking. Most have "been there and done that", what better way to learn, I think most of that group here is like that and surprising enough eager to learn as well.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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