Were double fucked.

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I'm not interested in letting "extreme radical Islam radicals" come to Canada, or in keeping the ones we already have here.

I have been to Muslim countries, but I tend not to hang out in the shitty areas. There are certain places in Belfast I wouldn't set foot in either. Similar fuckwitted religious nutbars in both, just a matter of degree. Right now the UDA/IRA/UFF and other fukwits don't cause much trouble to the rest of us, but 30 or 40 years ago it was a different story.

Having said that, the fukwits in Belfast are still driving people out of their homes, just because they're too fucking lazy to work at a proper job, unlike the Polish and other immigrants they're torching out of their houses. If anyone needs kicked out of the UK, it's those fucking scumbags.

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If you allow just one that has radicalized, and hidden it well, on Canadian soil and then determine they aren't fit for refugee or immigration status, where do you deport them too?  Can't send them back to Syria....then what??
Posts: 338
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[quote author=CpnCrunch link=topic=1132.msg4321#msg4321 date=1447781037]
[quote author=Cdnpilot77 link=topic=1132.msg4319#msg4319 date=1447779339]
You are using terms like "AFAIK" and "presumably". Assumptions are very dangerous!  Again, what is the hurry to get it done NOW, without proper vetting and screening??  It's very scary politics that is going to get Canadians killed!  Our PM's primary responsibility is for the safety and best interests of Canadian Citizens, ANYTHING else is very much secondary!  If you think otherwise than we are in for a world of hurt!!

I don't disagree with you. I was just pointing out that vanNostrum's comment was completely wrong. His figures were for boat people, which is nothing to do with the discussion. We're talking about Syrian refugees from refugee camps, which has the 50/50 male/female split. His figures were for people crossing the Med in boats.

As for the "AFAIK", that was directed at the notion that Canada is taking refugees from camps, rather than from boat people (which would be highly unlikely). I just did a quick google search and confirmed that, so you can disgregard the "AFAIK". I just don't like confusing speculation as fact.

I will just say that you should think very carefully about tarring everyone from one country with the same brush. That's what happened with Irish people in the past (which includes most of Chuck's former neighbours in Newfoundland). Would it be fine to say that all the Irish in Newfoundland should fuck off to where they came from because they're lazy irish bastards and/or might be plotting to blow things up?
If you are implying  that  50/50 male/female ratio in the refugee camps makes these people  less of a threat to Canada  you don't know what you are talking about.
From the UN's handbook for processing refugees  Page 120 Section G 26
The fact that an individual is designated on a national or international list of terrorist suspects (or associated with a designated terrorist organization) should trigger consideration of the exclusion clauses[b] but will not in itself generally constitute sufficient evidence to justify exclusion.[/b]”[/i]
In other words the UN states that belonging to a terrorist group doesn't mean you can't be a refugee ,add to that the fact that the UN outsources the processing of refugees to third parties ,how safe is it to bring 25.000 in 6 weeks?
But Im not worry ,I feel warm, fuzzy and protected  for the Progressives are running the show
Best Regards
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[quote author=vanNostrum link=topic=1132.msg4343#msg4343 date=1447814982]
If you are implying  that  50/50 male/female ratio in the refugee camps makes these people  less of a threat to Canada  you don't know what you are talking about.

I wasn't implying anything of the sort. I was just debunking your implication that most of the refugees are fighters due to a 80/20 male/female split.
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Do we have anything to learn from the experiences of others?

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/20 ... tcmp=hpbt2

[quote]France PM says Paris attacks ringleader used migrant crisis to get into country[/quote]
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It's more just sheer incompetence than anything else. He was on a terror watchlist, so if they had just taken 10 seconds to check the damn watchlist, they would have spotted him.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... ngers.html

Also, he was born in Belgium, so he wouldn't have needed to use the refugee crisis to get into Europe. It looks like he used it to avoid getting spotted as being on the watchlist, which is insane. I bet this will change pretty quickly.
Posts: 79
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[quote author=Colonel link=topic=1132.msg4388#msg4388 date=1448031877]
Do we have anything to learn from the experiences of others?

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/20 ... tcmp=hpbt2

[quote]France PM says Paris attacks ringleader used migrant crisis to get into country[/quote]

You mean learning from others doesn't only apply to airplane accidents?  Weird!
Posts: 1349
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[quote author=Cdnpilot77 link=topic=1132.msg4396#msg4396 date=1448047269]
[quote author=Colonel link=topic=1132.msg4388#msg4388 date=1448031877]
Do we have anything to learn from the experiences of others?

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/20 ... tcmp=hpbt2

[quote]France PM says Paris attacks ringleader used migrant crisis to get into country[/quote]

You mean learning from others doesn't only apply to airplane accidents?  Weird!

But no speculating as to the cause of that accident or you will get shouted down and I will pull this thread!!!  C:-)
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