Use of power when landing.

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Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Actually, my point was that if you were going to fly many aircraft in your career, you had better understand that each type just might fly a bit differently, and conditions just might reqyuire you to use power a bit differently.

Even in the op, Cat says...”I usually”

I did not see this as a particular training question.  And no black or white answer.
Now, that being said, one of the most difficult things I have come across doing advanced training, is pilots  that try to fly the plane they are learning on, the same way they flew the last type.
And, generally, the majority of posters on here are not student pilots, or even inexperienced pilots, from what I have seen. They understand there aredifferences.
The other thing was are we speaking of in the flare, as the wheels touch, or at 50 , 100, or 1000 AGL?
Ab initio , setting the power to idle at circuit altitude and landing, is a great exercise.  But it has little relevance in the overall scheme of landing technique unless the majority of your flying is close to an airport, and involved in training.the vast majority of us do not spend the majority of our flying career within 50 miles of our home base.

It is one of those questions, I suppose, that allow people to say...well, in this plane, I landed this way...and that does make for some interesting reading...

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]setting the power to idle at circuit altitude and landing, is a great exercise. 

But it has little relevance[/quote]

I'm sure Sally's pax are glad that he was flying, not you.

Same thing with Piche and Pearson and Dardano and Burkill.

Clearly you know nothing of these men.
Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Clearly, I know nothing of them..

You must be a great instructor ,being able to take statements  our of context, immediately determine someone’s knowledge base from the assumption, and provide such  constructive comments.
You are right though. I did not know who “Sally” is.  Who is Sally? 

Tell us, oh great name dropper, who never errs, who is Sally?

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I have been suffering your self-righteous drivel for years.

There is great value to learn to fly an approach with a
fixed power setting - which very might well be zero.

I can only imagine what a throttle jockey a useless turd
like you must be.

PS  [url=][/url] you moron.
Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

I do not doubt for a minute, you have a great imagination,  so will let you get to your imagining,

Btw.  You don,t fool me....I can feel the love in your posts.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

You can always tell a four bars.  But you can't tell
them anything, because they know it all.

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