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Re: Who does Owner Maintenance

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 3:11 pm
by Liquid_Charlie
Buying across the border can be sketchy. Spending that amount of money you need to spend some more and have the aircraft and books inspected by a canadain engineer. Time to cultivate new friends and contacts if one goes this route ;)

Kit planes are becoming the rage in the US - just look or search the "back country" on you tube. These guys take pride in their work, even if they get the aircraft already assembled. Doing mods and really fine tuning their aircraft is nice to watch. To me that's what recreational flying is all about.

Re: Who does Owner Maintenance

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:13 pm
by Slick Goodlin
Not OM, but I always chuckle when I remember this. There’s this Cub that needed its wheel bearings greased and I didn’t want to pay a mechanic to do it, but no worries because surely a simple operation like that is covered under elementary work. Nope, I guessed wrong. You can switch from wheels to skis and back again under elementary work though, and it’s only prudent to grease bearings while you’re at it. So long story short there’s a Cub in Canada with a logbook that reads, “Wheels removed to install skis, skis not located, wheels greased and reinstalled” - in August!

There is a small amount of stuff an owner can do to their certified plane without an AME sign-off, and it turns out that short list can be just a little bit longer with some creativity.

Re: Who does Owner Maintenance

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:16 pm
by digits
TwinOtterFan wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 12:55 pm
Sad thing is it could be a great aircraft just not really sure how to tell.
What was the reason they switched over to owner maintenance in the first place? That's probably a good place to start sniffing around.