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John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

:)  Well, you're certainly not a quitter...

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Winners never quit.  And quitters never win.

But if you never win, and you never quit, you’re an idiot.

Back on topic ... some notes on VHF comm (let's see yours):

PS  "Mic fright"?  Kiss my hairy white @ss.  Explain to me
how I have two ATP's and was an instrument instructor
for years if according to you, I am somehow afraid of a
fucking radio.  When was the last time you popped one
and adjusted a sidetone pot?

I am just so tired of being fucked by safety equipment
that is supposed to make my life safer.  Like fire extinguishers
in aerobatic aircraft.  When was the last time you had one
of those fucking things floating around in the cockpit?  Had
one smash into your face lately?

And NOTAMs.  What a fuckup.  People are slowly
starting to admit that.  A system designed to improve
safety actually does it very best to obscure and hide it.

Try to keep in mind what Bill Lear said.  For the youngsters,
Bill Lear was the guy who brought you the Learjet, and more
importantly, the 8-track cartridge.  He certainly knew what a
cost-benefit analysis was.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Check out the belly check at 0:11 - this guy knows what he is doing.  He is


He aced the landing, too.  They're as good as mine.  Objectively,
note the complete lack of heading deviations during the rollout after
touchdown, which is not easy in a short-coupled bitch like an S1,
and is the sole important metric determining the quality of a tailwheel
landing.  Everything else is at best second-order, probably third.
John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

[left][color=black][font=arial]"PS  "Mic fright"?  Kiss my hairy white @ss."  [/font][/color][/left]

[left][font=arial][color=black]Still trying to defend the indefensible, I see.  I'll give you 'E' for[/color][color=black] 'Effort' if nothing else![/color][/font][/left]

[font=arial]I shared your views on radio use with some of the denizen at the local flying club.  Members with ratings from PPL to ATPL, with experience from Piper Colt to '747.  They were unanimous in their comments...[/font]

[font=arial]BTW, I have read some of your written output; "[/font][left][font=arial][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Circuit Training in a Retractable Gear Aircraft" gave me the most pleasure...[/color][/font][/left][font=arial][/font]

[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][/color]
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]I shared your views on radio use with some of the denizen at the local flying club ... unanimous[/quote]

This is a new experience for me - Canadians thinking I am a stupid, shitty pilot compared to them.

Can you ask them to do an outside loop, entering and exiting at the surface?  I'd like that,
and it should be pretty easy for them to do it solo, because they're all such hot sticks.  Video
appreciated, if not by me, certainly by the TSB.

Regardless of what Justin Trudeau thinks, I fucking hate the comm at an uncontrolled airport.

My current airport is towered, parallel runways and it can get busy enough that there are
separate freqs for each runway, and they're telling inbound traffic to remain clear.  Works fine
for me, but I'm a really stupid, shitty pilot which is why I have two ATP's and 46 years of
accident-free flying and 25 years of instructing and used to issue jet type ratings on L29/L39.

What ex-military jets do you issue type ratings on?  MiG-21?  SU-27?

[img width=500 height=334][/img]
John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

[font='ubuntu,arial,helvetica,sans-serif'][size=2][color=#001000]"[/color][/size][/font][font=arial][color=#001000]...[/color][/font][left][font=arial][color=#001000]I'm a really stupid, shitty pilot which is why I have two ATP's and 46 years of [/color][/font][/left][font=arial][/font][left][font=arial][color=rgb(91, 91, 91)]accident-free flying and 25 years of instructing"[/color][/font][/left][font=arial][/font]
[color=black][/color][left][color=black][font=arial]And John McEnroe was a good tennis player.[/font][/color][/left][color=black][/color]
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Obviously there is an issue with dependence on radio giving you total picture of traffic, especially in uncontrolled areas. It has become a real problem. Part of the issue is also knowing where you are. When you are lost , as most pilots are when they first start flying, you reach for the easiest tool and hope the other guy can do better. I can't count the number of times in clear wx an F/O hears an aircraft and immediately reaches for the mike and is confused when I ask "why" - not understanding the guy is 20 miles away and we can look out the window. Let's face it we have now entered a generation of "heads down" and looking out the window and "rubber necking" has become a lost art. When I started flying the only radio I knew was HF and that was for almost 5 years. We managed to avoid each other. I learned to fly on a J-3 which had no electrics.

I still think the ultimate flight school would be all initial training done in a conventional geared aircraft and nordo and no GPS allowed. The "good " basics are non existent anymore. I piss myself when I see new pilots in learning packing a 50 lb flight bag. -- Damn ----

[img width=500 height=304] ... e-crop.jpg[/img]

Haha - the renegade above flying from the front seat. I flew the J-3 mostly from the front on wheels as well.  >:D
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]dependence on radio ... It has become a real problem ... The "good " basics are non existent anymore[/quote]

Yes, but apparently you aren't allowed to say that, because:

[img width=500 height=281] ... 551e2a1013[/img]

[quote]When I started flying the only radio I knew was HF and that was for almost 5 years. We managed to avoid each other. I learned to fly on a J-3 which had no electrics[/quote]

How on earth did you survive without Facebook?!
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

[quote author=Liquid Charlie link=topic=9454.msg26448#msg26448 date=1547827620]
I still think the ultimate flight school would be all initial training done in a conventional geared aircraft and nordo and no GPS allowed.
A good instructor should be able to impress the importance of basic flying skills upon their students.  If you don't suck at landing a trike you should be able to switch to tailwheel with little fuss, the GPS can (and should) be turned off, and as for radios, there's a priority to be understood.  I think understanding why the extraneous shit is extraneous is maybe even more important than just taking it away entirely.
Chuck Ellsworth

[quote].  If you don't suck at landing a trike you should be able to switch to tailwheel with little fuss, [/quote]

Unfortunately that kind of pilot today is hard to find because their initial training was done be the third generation of flight instructoer who were not properly taught.

I also am of the group that thinks the PPL training should be done in a J 3 or it's equivalent at an uncontrolled airport and without a GPS.

Teach the basics correctly and it is easy to upgrade their skills.

Most of the PPL and commercial pilots I pilots  did upgrading training with had no idea what the rudders were used for.
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