Dave flys a Citabria?

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Citabria is a great trainer.  There are a whole bunch of them at my
airport, always out on the ramp and in the pattern. 

I had to get a Citabria checkout a while back - seriously - and the
CFI had some ridiculous amount of time in them - maybe 1000 hours
dual given?  He's off flying for some regional now.

Every FBO should have at least one Citabria!  Have fun!

-- EDIT --

Found it.  Last time I flew N349SA 7GCAA was 12/11/2016

[img width=500 height=280][/img]


180hp.  Nice airplane.

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Dave should have kept his mouth shut.
Dave's probably going to live in a van down by the river and never fly again.

I flew the Citabria at Harvs Air a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic machine and the instructor was superb. No flaps, just the way I wanted it. I don’t think there is a waiting list either so if you can get yourself to Winnipeg.....
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Try to get the Citabria's with the metal wing, IMHO.  We've
talked about this before.

Again, IMHO, if you want to learn to fly, go to Harv's Air. 

If you want your multi/IFR, go to Cornwall.  Again IMHO.

I have known the people behind both schools for decades,
and their knowledge, skill and [i]character[/i] is impeccable.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

The plot thickens.

I was told there was a 100 person wait list for a rental check.

I never heard back after leaving my name.

Chapter 2.

The 100 person wait list for C-172 renter's check seemed odd. After some arguing starting last night that should have been more fun than it was, this morning after my last post here. I went to the club in person today and had breakfast with my wife, our children and my father. I asked about these wait lists, it was not true. The wait for renter's check is dependent on getting a booking with a plane and instructor.

Therefore I booked that for Tuesday.

The wait for a check on the Citabria is estimated to still be 30 people. The wait list for starting PPL training is estimated around 100+ people. The wait for a 172 renter's check is dependent on availability, likely a couple of weeks but if there is a cancellation much less.

So to re-cap.
Here are some lists about me.[list]Things that might happen
[list][li]172 Renter's check Tuesday.[/li]
[li]Citabria check or at least going for an hour of dual to investigate it. TBA[/li]

[list] Things that won't happen
[list][li]buying a plane[/li]
[li]going to Harv's in the very near future.[/li]
[li]going to Cornwall ever.[/li]

[list]Things that hopefully won't happen thanks to breakfast
[li]Living in a van down by the river.[/li]
Posts: 162
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Never underestimate the power of breakfast.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I could have an apple, some toast, or something most people would prefer for other meals but my wife loves Denny's. The breakfast special that Saturday morning at the Cav-ok restaurant did the trick.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Go to Steinbach MB and try the diners there after
you fly the Citabria  ;D
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

The best meal I remember at a small airport restaurant was Qualicum Beach, oddly enough shared with the guy who introduced me to my wife. We stopped for fuel and lunch on our way to Tofino in a Piper WarriorII just after getting our PPLs.

Friday's argument was started because I googled an address. Last year I found a house across the ally from my wife's friend's mom's house with two heated double car garages. Dumb move but we put in an offer and tried to sell the one we own. Buyer never finalized on buying ours so it didn't happen and they pulled the other house the children and I liked off the market.

Google showed the place is for sale again. I mentioned this fact and was asked why I couldn't be happy in this house. Part of why is I bought this house intending to re-sell to buy in a less expensive small town or acreage and use the rest of the money to buy a plane. Another part is I did not hate living on a busy avenue before getting a canine and having children. Finally I never even managed to build a heated garage here.

Fast forward 20 years and I fly 1-2 hours per year. Renting a plane is less expensive for pilots like me. I don't even want to give an airplane the same treatment as my other possessions.

So I was considering moving out, she could stay here I looked at apartments near an airport with rental 172s. I don't really want to leave my children, it's winter and not having a warm workshop that makes me cranky.

Breakfast made her happier, finding out I wouldn't have to wait behind 100 other pilots to go do my first tri-yearly dual flight made me happier.

Maybe later I should build a garage.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

So that last flight was scrubbed for weather.

Finally re-booked for today. By the time I get to the airport it's kind of like this.

SPECI CYBW 031724Z AUTO 31012KT 2 1/4SM -RA BR SCT008 BKN015 OVC020
09/07 A2998 RMK VIS VRB 1 3/4-3 SLP174 DENSITY ALT 4000FT=
SPECI CYBW 031712Z AUTO 32013KT 5SM -RA BR SCT011 OVC020 09/07 A2998

Buy a VTA and Re-re-book. Decided I was too cheap to replace my well worn POH for $75.

Oh well, I have a nice cup of chai like tea.
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