Sammy Mason: Unlimited in an S1!

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]Sammy's father might need a bit more credit here[/quote]

[quote]Sammy's Dad would be an invaluable resource[/quote]

I understand that aviation families are viewed poorly in

But there was only one fucking seat in that airplane, and
Sammy's butt was in it when he flew that Unlimited known
in the S1 that he put together.  His father didn't fly that

Either of you guys could have a Pitts S-1.  No excuses.

You could have afforded it by choosing it instead of
other toys in your garage. 

Over many decades you have consciously chosen not
to tackle incredibly difficult flying, and you get to live
with the consequences of your decisions that you have
made in your life.

I know.  Un-Canadian to take responsibility.  I get that.

I might also point out that is it unseemly for two older
gentlemen to try to diminish spectacular achievements
of younger people.  It does not reflect well upon your
motivation for doing so.

PS  I am completely underwhelmed by Ferraris and
Lamborghinis.  Much better cars around, if that's
your thing.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

People don't understand that one of the greatest gifts
you can give your kids is a work ethic.  Something
sorely missing in today's Canada.

You think someone that can build and fly an S1 in
Unlimited at a young age doesn't have a spectacular
fucking work ethic?

Feel free to shit all over me and my family, but we
know a little bit about hard work, and we respect the
hard work of others, and their accomplishments. 

We don't hate them.  We aren't jealous.  [u]Other people
succeeding doesn't make us feel bad about ourselves.[/u]

That makes us [b]BAD CANADIANS[/b].  We aren't living on
the government tit, and I'm ok with that.

PS  I don't much like German cars, either.  Terribly
over-priced and their engineering is substandard.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Steve Hinton and his son.  Another incredible
aviation family to hate.

Sometime, put the jealousy aside and just
watch them fly. ... e-hinton-2

[quote]Today the Hinton of no fixed address lives as a self-described gypsy,
operating from his Toyota truck and working as a mechanic for a private warbird owner in Texas[/quote]

Yeah, he's a rich guy for Canadians to hate.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]avoiding challenging flying[/quote]

Tomorrow, go and do 10 good downward pushes
starting at 1000 AGL, ending at the surface inverted,
each at least -5G's. 

Blow blood vessels in your face and eyes.  Post pictures
here.  You won't believe what a headache you have
at the end of the day.

Do it when you're [b]80 fucking years old[/b]. 

Then come back to me and talk about hard work.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Another aviation family for the haters to hate:

Matt Younkin flying the Beech 18 at Oshkosh:

His father was Bobby Younkin:

Another stupid fucking biplane pilot for Canadians
to hate.  Also flew surface acro in his Learjet.
How many Canadians fly surface acro in their

His grandfather was Jimmy Younkin:
[quote]Jim Younkin who is well-known for designing the Century and Trutrak autopilots.

Jim is also famous for his antique aircraft restorations, as well as building beautiful
replicas of the 1930’s air racers[/quote]
Doesn't sound like much of an engineer, mechanic
and pilot compared to the guys here.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

There's an aerobatic pilot on the other website.  I
won't "out" him by mentioning his username, but it
will be familiar to you.

One day, a few years back, he was doing the "poor me"
routine of a Good Canadian (tm).  I sent him a PM
and told him to fuck off - his father was a [i]fucking
astronaut[/i] with a Pitts S-2A, and flew the Silver Dart
replica.  Tricky bitch - some good hands and feet

And, he was ashamed of his father, because he
was a Good Canadian (tm) that didn't want to
come from an aviation family.

He didn't get [u]money money money[/u] that you
Canadians obsess over, from his father.  What
do you think he got?

Well, whatever he got, he was ashamed of it,
which revolts me, because I am a [b]BAD CANADIAN[/b].

Fern Villeneuve is a friend of mine.  Most pilots have
never heard of him, but he was the leader of the Golden
Hawks.  An awesome stick.  One day he was watching
my son fly and said, "He's miles ahead of everyone else,
isn't he?"  I'm sure that makes us [b]BAD PEOPLE[/b].


[quote]Villeneuve was awarded the RCAF Air Force Cross on
20 May 1961 for an engine-out landing of an Canadair F-86 Sabre[/quote]

Sound vaguely familiar?

[img width=444 height=500][/img]
John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

Your father was extremely lucky...

The president of my accident Board of Inquiry was still wearing his turtle suit due to a similar incident at #4 Wing in late '61/early '62 trying to glide back to Baden after engine failure.  Unfortunately, the ship's battery that was driving the alternate hydraulic pump gave out shy of the runway forcing a low level ejection outside the envelope resulting in a broken back. 

It was for good reason that engine failure in a Sabre usually meant an ejection; depending on the state of the battery, you could expect UP TO 20 minutes of flight before the controls froze.  (meaning: anywhere from 3 minutes to 20 minutes...)

Heroics were neither expected nor encouraged - quite the opposite.

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