I think I want a Grumman Widgeon

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Posts: 29
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I never claimed to have any experience in the widgeon, as I have never flown it. Thats is why, if you notice with upmost attention, I did not comment knowing anything about the widgeon. I know it must be hard for you since you're probably all but fully blind at the moment, but try re-reading what I wrote.

Even though I have never flown the Widgeon, it does not mean I couldn't learn it if I had the opportunity. Rest assured if I get it, I will not pass it up as it looks like a blast to fly. It is an airplane after all, wings and engines included! So far I have many dozens of types under my belt including a warbird. Yes some planes have their quirks, and some are more important quirks than others. But please get off your high horse, its an amphibious aircraft with nothing crazy about it. Its bigger brother the Goose was even used in training roles. I don't see the widgeon as a fire breathing dragon by any measure.

Like I said, whatever helps you two pedo's sleep at night.

Liquid Charlie
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Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

And this is the easy one to fly -- the goose

Liquid Charlie
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While in all my years the closest I came to flying a "boat" was a couple of trips in a PBY but fate took me to a DC3 instead. I have worked with and spoken with a lot of men who have flown all the Grumman aircraft from Widgeon to the Mallard and all say the Widgeon is the one that will surprise you the fastest. In all aspects, water and land. It is certainly a type one would want to get a proper checkout. It's surprising but there are many aircraft that an experienced pilot can just jump in and go. The Widgeon is not one of them.
Liquid Charlie
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Now this I like  ;D

Liquid Charlie
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This one is for Chuck. There was a 4 engine goose flying around when I first started flying out of Red Lake. It differs from this pic because the inboards were the juniors and 1&4 were big Lycoming flat engines.

Chuck Ellsworth

red-shiny you are really a sad asshole when the best you can do is call me and the owner of this forum Pedo's.

As to the Widgeon it is the most demanding  flying boat in the Grumman line and their accident record confirms it.

But of course pointing out the above to someone like you is really a waste of my time as far as changing anything goes because you are truly an asshole, and this will be the last time I will respond to anything you post here..

That will make Skud's life less irritated.  :)
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:58 am

That one seems to have struck a nerve huh? Probably since chances are it's not far from the truth, at least regarding you. After all, "burry my face in her pussy" was your first reaction to a girl of questionable age in a video.

Accident rates only show half the picture. Take the Mu-2 for example, it had the worse accident rate for a twin turbine years ago, everyone thought it was a horrible plane. The truth was much simpler than that, pilot's just didn't have proper training.

Seems you're not even a man of your own word, you claimed to never speak to me again weeks ago, yet here we are.
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All I know is if I was to buy a Widgeon I would seek expect training and be a yellow belly like Barney taught me until I figured my shit out with that type.

She looks like a ton of fun is all I'm saying, I hope some kids pursue their seaplane ratings before chasing a seniority number. So many disciplens in this game to master, I think a plane that you could throw the family in and haul a load out to the lake or cabin sounds ideal.

Chuck Ellsworth

The Widgeon has always been my favourite twin engine flying boat and the Sea Bee is my favourite single engine flying boat Scud.

The Widgeon is short coupled and thus has limitations when operating in big waves or more serious , big swells.

It is also demanding on the runway because it is short coupled, however once you learn its limitations and get comfortable flying it it is just pure joy to fly.

For raw performance the Grumman Turbo Goose is unbeatable and it will operate on rougher water than the Widgeon, we had two of them at Air West back in the mid seventies and used them mostly for barge pilot transfers up and down the coast..the fuckin thing would exceed VNE if you didn't really watch the power settings in cruise.

Also the Turbo Goose was a real bitch in icing , once it started icing up you had to get out of as soon as you could or it would just plain kill you.

When I had my charter company I almost bought one but sanity overcame desire and I got out of commercial aviation in Canada due to the very low return for the investment of time and money.

I have not seen Barney for quite a long time, if you see him say hi for me you had a great teacher.
David MacRay
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Ribbon sounds like my brother in-law. They're probably just jealous they can't get nice young girls. Perhaps work on your personal skills. Unless you have no need for female companionship. In that case, congratulations?

More time for airplanes I guess. Hmmm, put that way I'm kind of jealous if that's the case.

Not of the anti social behavior. Of not letting women distract you from the good life, flying around, working on music...

Hey, you're not Henry Rollins are you?

You might have a cool musician on your forum Scud.
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