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The Dread Pilot Roberts
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Quarter Million Canuck Pesos for a 1979 Cessna 172 with a basic panel and 500 hours on an engine overhauled in 2018.
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Isn’t that the one with the bad engine? H2AD eats its lifters?

How much for one with a good engine?
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You're correct the 1977 N model was the first year with the O-320-H2AD engine, should be noted they replaced that with the O-320-D2J just a few years later.

When I was doing air tours/ fire patrol out of Pemberton it was a 172N and never had an issues. Should be noted most of the 172s where trainers getting the shit beat out of them obviously could contribute to causing issues.

Our operation we did fly the shit out of them but typically long flights minimum hour long and never had issues.

The older Continental I recall people muttering about them but honestly I found the older ones with the Continental 6 bangers smoother than the Lycoming 4 bangers.

No clue long term with the continentals.
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There was an AD on those H2AD engines that required an LW-16072 oil additive for extreme pressure to try to deal with the lifter/cam spalling, which as you point out, probably occurs at startup (like most engine wear).

That additive lives on in Aeroshell 15w50 and is the "plus" in W100plus and I might note, is NOT Camguard which as Monty Python once observed, is Something Completely Different™.

PS. Yes, the 6 cylinder Continentals sure ran a lot smoother than the 4 cylinder Lycomings, 99% of which didn't even have crankshaft counterweights and even brand new, ran rough.
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David MacRay
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Here’s a 172 retractable gear for a mere $50,000 USD.

https://www.controller.com/listing/for- ... e-aircraft

Imagine trying to import it to Canader?
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