DIY Portable Air Conditioner

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So last year trucking south from the NWT with the family in the 337 it was a 30c day out in southern Alberta. As we got further south it began to heat up in the cabin despite the vents open just blasting hot air, we decended down to maintain VFR as the smoke was pretty thick.

I was thinking of building a portable AC unit I could power off the cigarette lighter. Only odd ball thing is ours is 28v not 12.
it is rated 12v-32v input.

Two options power the fans from a USB or USB-c plug or direct plug into the 28v cigarette power plug.

I came across this in my search seemed alight and about the size I would want. ... -cooler-30

Anyone built one or have a good set of plans ? also not opposed to just buying a reasonably priced unit as I would only use it a few times a year.

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A swamp cooler! You are truly a redneck now :)

You can build one in a few minutes. Buy a plastic ice cooler and drill two holes with a holesaw. One is air in, the other is air out. Bolt a 12V fan to the air out. Fill it with ice and power the fan.

I’ve seen houses in the Sierras with those!

PS supposed to be 100F here soon. Meh. You don’t have to shovel heat.
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I’m in the middle of a trip away from the hangar, but I did exactly what the Col said.

Parts and pieces from the local apothecary’s. I don’t remember, but Id say I was out less than $50 for everything. I needed to buy a 4” holesaw, but other than that, I had to the tools and junk lying around.

Super cheap ass igloo cooler. 90* bend 4” plumbing PVC. USB powered desk fan from Amazon. Pipe dope to make it solid.

To add in even more thriftiness: my wife used to order those stupid mail order meal kits. They came with a few large ice packs. I reuse those instead of buying ice. But, a bag of ice works great when you're on the road.
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A buddy of mine made one. He put two PVC pipes out the top with a 90 deg bend at the top and a fan at the base of each. The cooler sat strapped to the back seat and the pipes pointed at the head of both front seat occupants. It only reduced the overall cabin temp a small amount but the gentle cool breeze on my head was quite refreshing.

2 big blocks of ice lasted the whole day, although he had a higher end cooler

Re the heat way South and East. I don’t do well in type 2 climates (ie too hot or too cold). The Pacific Northwest west suites me to a T. Not too cold in the winter and not too hot in the summer.

The condo complex I live in bought a snow blower a few years ago. It only snows a couple of days a year and I get a kick out of the guys fighting over who gets to drive the snow blower :lol:
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I’m not a thermal dynamisist, but could you duct the air being blown over a greater surface area, causing more cooling?

Also condensation protection of your wiring. I’m not an engineer, but I told a girl at the bar I was once.

Stupid simple and works great.
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Definitely a working prototype. I’m 3D printing a housing for the wire works to keep that all contained.
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