Scudrunner Beer

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When you search for Scudrunners, your main competition, besides apparently Scuderia Ferrari, is a Brewery under the name of Scudrunners. Which apparently is out of business at the moment. When are you going to buy up the rights to that and start making beer?

For giving you the idea, can I get a free case of beer when you start up your new brewery?

edit: maybe this doesn't belong in the pilot forum, but then I used Brian's logic. Where there's a plane there's a pilot, where there's a pilot there's a bar, where there's a bar I can get a drink! Beer definitely has something to do with pilots.

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Funny enough the owner of that brewery is a buddy of mine I used to fly with in Manitoba. I haven't asked him all the details but when I pondered making beer one shower thought or two ago it basically went like this.

"Do you dream of cleaning large industrial vats and equipment? Well we have the career for you....."
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David MacRay
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Stop being a baby and mix some wort.
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