Cirrus Jet Pilot does Cirrus Jet Pilots Proud

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The pilot reported that during takeoff, he heard a noise that sounded like “gravel hitting the gear,” which continued after landing gear retraction, and prompted a return to the departure airport for a precautionary landing. He stated that while on the downwind leg, the stall warning aural alert sounded, and the stick shaker activated; the pilot used the autopilot disconnect button to regain control of the airplane.
During touchdown, the airplane bounced and exited the runway, which resulted in substantial damage to the lower forward fuselage. Following the accident, the pilot discovered that he had failed to remove the angle of attack vane cover. The pilot reported that there were no preaccident mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
Probable Cause and Findings
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
The pilot’s failure to maintain aircraft control during landing. Contributing to the accident was the pilot’s inadequate preflight inspection removal of the angle of attack vane cover.
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Personnel issues Aircraft control - Pilot
Aircraft Directional control - Not attained/maintained ... Tnf4PwMBic ... tid=uc01c0

5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
Slick Goodlin
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Wait, how does gear noise and a crap landing come from no AoA sensing?

Did anyone check the ditch behind the plane for a towbar?
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Cirrus Pilot with Stuck AOA

5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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