Forward Stick Can Bite You In The @ss

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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:02 pm
Location: Over The Runway

It is dogma amongst pilots that pushing full forward is how you recover from a stall/spin. No.

What Spencer glosses over is radius of gyration. Like a spinning figure skater in one spot,
when she pulls her arms and legs in, centralizing her rotating mass, conservation of angular
momentum results in her spinning faster, with no energy added to the system. Ask any TC
Inspector to write out the equations for you.

Same thing can happen with forward stick in an upright spin, or back stick in an inverted spin.

For more reading on this: ... se_results

Use the safety equipment between your ears.

Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:46 am

Indeed… it delivers a lovely crossover in a Pitts or Extra and has killed more than a few that use a rote full forward response.
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