20/20 hindsight

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Looking at the present situation in the airline world and the desperate hand out for us, the tax payer, to bail them out maybe airlines should have diversified way back when, like when AC was in the freight biz.

We look at the sad state of affairs now and see the 2 extremes. So called airlines going bust and the freight guys making record revenues. Why in our right mind would we support amazon setting up their own aircraft and freight moving department when there are airlines out there with crews and infrastructure. I know you can't pull freighters out of your ass but there are leasing companies out there.

It's mute now because the time it takes to set this, but there should be a lesson learned.

AC had a good freight operation but I guess they did not want to stay and compete. I'll bet there are some there that wish they had.

This situation appears in the level 2 and 3 carriers as well. The ones who do have freight operations and contracts are surviving and making money.

I wonder if it's acceptable that the government injects money into companies that are actually self sufficient. The profits are not as high but they still have reasonable revenue. Maybe those monies should be directed at furloughed staff and not directly at a company that still haves a reasonable operational status.

"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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