It's Great To Be A Commissar - Boeing Edition

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The U.S. Department of Justice announced today that Boeing has agreed to a $2.5 billion settlement in criminal charges relating to a “conspiracy to defraud” the FAA during the 737 MAX’s certification process

Boeing will pay a total criminal monetary amount of over $2.5 billion,
composed of a criminal monetary penalty of $243.6 million
It's great to be a Commissar! No one goes to jail, and the corporation pays a "criminal monetary penalty"
of a quarter of a BILLION dollars. The shareholders pick up the tab. How nice of them!

See, that's the really wonderful thing about a society with two classes of citizens.

The rules don't apply to the Elites (Commissars). Trudeau gets to go the Caribbean in winter, for
example, when everyone else is locked down. CYOW direct Barbados, VIP Air Force jet.

A while back, I got a note in the mail from my utility company, Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) that
I lacked virtue, because my house energy usage was above average for the last month.

The horror. I thought that was pretty nervy, because the day before I got that letter, PGE as a
in the deaths arising from the Paradise (nice name) fire from their negligence.

84 people die, and no one from PG&E goes to jail. They don't even get fined. The corporation
picks up the tab.

Similarly, during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, no one went to jail. No one even got fined. The
corporations paid fines, and the shareholders took the hit.

Similarly, during the Russia Collusion hoax, multiple frauds were perpetrated upon the FISA
court. The people that signed off on the fraud never faced any consequences for their
actions, because they are the Elites.

They are the Commissars. There is a different set of rules for the Elites.

See, if you or I did any of the above, we would be in jail, or personally bankrupt. But not
the Commissars.

It's great to be a Commissar!

trey kule
Posts: 71
Joined: Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:18 am

Yep.....and the result is unhappy, brave people, storming congress...

facebook and twitter the defacto censors of anyone who they do not like.

And the real leader of Canada is the unelected Mr Butt. Trudueau is little but an immature lover of power and attention, who has a famous name, good looks, and the soothing voice of Satan himself( herself?)

We live in interesting times.
John Swallow
Posts: 167
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:21 am

Anybody check the provenance of the allegation?

“Trudeau gets to go the Caribbean in winter, for example, when everyone else is locked down. CYOW direct Barbados, VIP Air Force jet.”

his is the only reference I could find about winter travel is the following. Anybody have something else? ... guidelines
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Location: Over The Runway

It's great to be a Commissar!
Can we get t-shirts?
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