Ampaire Electric EEL Airplane C337

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By my simplistic calculations electric is about 15x worse than a turbine/Jet-A.

When Harbor air was talking about electric beavers and otters I did a few multiplies and divides to see what reality looks like today when comparing a PT6 to electric and what it could look like as batteries seem to be doubling in efficiency every 9 years or so. Assuming (yeah right) thats a linear trend its 35+ years to break even and maybe 10 years away from short haul. Now I'm not sure the 8% per year is accurate but that's the longish term trend. None of that takes into account battery charging/swapping/safety etc. which are huge issues.
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Everyone knows that the numbers have to make sense
before the government starts spending billions of dollars,
Slick Goodlin
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I wonder if something like Moore’s Law can apply to all (most) technologies if the demand is strong enough...
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When elected officials as opposed to consumers decide it almost never goes well.

I once sat in on a meeting with some government types who were insisting that our network links which used a geosynchronous satellite had to have sub 40 millisecond latency and failure recovery times ... I guess I was 28 at the time and my boss had to literally hold me in my seat and keep kicking me to shut me up while promising to study the problem.

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