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Slick Goodlin
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Saw this elsewhere:
Scudrunner wrote:
Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:32 pm
I had a resume come across my desk that the pilot proudly stated CADOR free

Round filed that one on two counts
1) lack of understanding wtf a CADORs is
2) getting a cadors shows your experienced
It’s tragic the way CADORs are viewed by pilots. You’re gonna get them, it happens. You just do your best and every so often there will be an event that (usually) ATC records for the sake of improving the system. That’s a CADOR. I once had to explain to a very worried private pilot that his ‘taxiing onto a controlled portion of an apron without a clearance’ was just part of a bigger system of record keeping (a guy who likes to work people up had found and told him about the report). I told him that if they consistently have the same thing reported then either it’s different airplanes and their signage needs improvement, or it’s the same airplane every time they may contact the owner but probably not. Just record keeping for the sake of improvement.

There’s a reason pilots worry, it’s this ancient fear passed between us and most don’t know where it starts. I know some excellent TC inspectors but the maintenance inspector I used to have assigned to my company was just awful. One day he phones me up just screaming about a CADOR, I could tell he was blue in the face and he was practically panting. Luckily I knew everything about the CADOR in question as I was the one flying when it was filed. I reported a dead bird beside a runway. I didn’t hit the bird, just told tower so someone could clean it up. Clearly someone hit that bird so a CADOR gets filed and my airplane was listed as reporting it. This, the TC inspector decided, was sufficient grounds to have our company shut down and he was absolutely gleeful to get to do it. I wish I had known at the time just how toothless our inspectors are compared to their FAA counterparts so I could have let him have it instead of just shuffling him off the phone as quick as I could.

Anyways, that’s why people are scared of CADORs and why I try to set them straight on it every chance I get.

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It is tragic that pilots in Canada - mostly young ones - are more terrified
of paperwork errors than bending tin. Or spilling blood.

Think about this for a moment. The ostensible purpose of all of this monstrous
paper is actually safety, not bureaucratic job security. The paperwork has been
terribly perverted from it's original mission.

Years ago, I remember an airline pilot saying that it was ok to crash as long as
all your paperwork was in order
. I realized at that moment, that he was fundamentally
culturally different than I, and nothing could bridge that gap. The "four bar" was born.

At CYSH, years ago we had a tiny FTU with 2 172's. In the USA, the paperwork to
specify the maintenance for such an op, fits on one page in the FARs. Despite not
having an AMO, TC required us to develop this huge monstrosity of an MCM. It was
fucking insane. After a base inspection (they don't call it that any more, but that's
what it is) TC had Dave O'Blenis and I work for months on more paperwork with short
term correction plans and long term correction plans. Incredibly complicated. We
would submit this pile of steaming nonsense and it would be rejected, but the
asshole TC Inspector would not tell us what he did not like - he just rejected it
and became more and more threatening, each time we re-submitted it.

Finally, I wrote that TC Inspector a letter, and told him to go fuck himself. Enough
with the bullying, come and take our FTU OC. If a retired 3 star general and a lifetime
instructor could not make them happy on a stupid little 2 x 172 FTU MCM, they had
bigger problems than us.

Silence. One does not tell TC to fuck off in writing. Two guys with large tummies
come from Toronto, and sit down with us, and tell us what to put in our paperwork
to keep the local asshole TC Inspector happy, because he worked for them.

One of the big bellies admonished me that our MCM was the most complicated he
had ever seen, for this kind of tiny operation.

I replied to the large belly, that everything that was put into the MCM was done so
at the insistence of TC.

He probably didn't like me or the 3 star general very much. But in retrospect he
won, because the general is dead, and TC had me leave Canada.

The shit you have to take in Canada, to run a tiny 2 x 172 FTU.

Remember, these are the same assholes that ran around and told everyone that I
was running cocaine up from South America.

Your tax dollars, at work.

Oh God. Reminds of the Career College Police, that actually showed up at the
airport one day, waving badges. Yes, they had badges. I need to send Donna
Vogel a message and tell her that I really appreciated her being such an asshole,
because she helped teach me that there was no hope for Canada.
Slick Goodlin
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Colonel wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:27 pm
The paperwork has been terribly perverted from it's original mission.
Yep, and the first step to fixing it is to understand that.
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Some of my CADORS highlights

-Green Laser shined at me on Final into YYC.
Actually got hit again in PBI from an outdoor fucking Dave Mathews band concert laser show last year. That one dazzled me good, full
optometrist exam and police report on that one. 4 days by a pool drinking later I flew home because thats what David Goggins would do.

-Landed in YXY with an engine shutdown. (ive got 3 hours Single Engine in a BN2) :mrgreen:

-Went around because fucking Perimeter metro couldn't find an exit in YWG.

-Left the FO up front to shoot the shit with the execs in the back, she missed a frequency change and wasn't monitoring guard.

- Rejected take off in YMM door unlocked light came on. (faulty contact rattled loose on the roll)

- Main Gear tire hubs separated flat tire in a PC12 in Tadule Lake MB closed the runway.
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... and the people with no experience can crow about what great pilots
they are, because they have no CADORs :roll:

In mathematics, we call such people the "trivial solution". Literally, a
matrix full of zeros.

My friend Freddy said that if you didn't lose your licence at least once,
you weren't having any fun.


Mind you, he got kicked off the Heritage Flight for calling President Obama
the N-word on a hot mike.
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definitely not the best example to follow.

If I make an episode of MAYDAY the CVR will be a master class in use of the F word, I can't wait for some TC drone reading "Expletive deleted" 52 times in the first 30 seconds of the transcript while in cruise and nothing wrong.
5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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