“Rough-Running Bonanza Crashed On Third Takeoff Attempt”

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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:02 pm
Location: Over The Runway

Firesleeve is essential for every hose forward of the firewall!

Sounds like a good setup.

One thing that's important to remember is that the engine jumps
around incredibly when it is running. To allow for this, you must
have slack in anything that goes from the (fixed) firewall
or engine mount to the engine. It also must be protected in at
least spi-wrap for abrasion protection as it flops about. Exhaust
bracing from the engine mount or airframe must be flexible.

This is a common error in homebuilt engine installations that I
see - stuff is bolted down tight. Not gonna work.

How I learned about this ... Dear Old Dad purchased our Maule
in 1971. Every annual, the AME's set the idle much too high. Long
and retarded story about that.

So after every annual, my fanged fighter pilot father, instead of
just pulling the top cowl and backing off the throttle stop a half
a turn like a normal person, would idle the engine and walk forward
of the left strut and reach up, prop spinning, and adjust the RPM,
engine bouncing around underneath his hand.

I still wake up screaming. And people wonder why I turned out like I do.

Dear Old Dad, whom is now 88 (piano keys) is an Old, Bold Pilot™. The
totally fucking insane shit he tried to make me do when we were flying
low altitude formation aerobatics would blow your mind.

Hey, how about for a change, we practice new stuff at altitude? Nah,
don't bother.

People think I'm an apeshit pilot. If they only knew the truth. I guess
when your job is one-way nuclear delivery, it gives you new perspective.


My friend Bob was nearly as apeshit. If you only knew 1% of the truth about
him ... on a calm day, he lost the canopy of his L39 on takeoff. Drove around
the circuit at 200 knots and landed like it was just another day. Ever drive a
convertible at 250 mph - without planning to?

And people think I'm nuts?!


My kid talked me into doing that. Cross-over hammerhead. I said, "Kid, you're going to get us killed".

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