Robin Olds

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

An incredible man.  Awesome stick.  Superb combat leader.  Always in shit.

[img width=500 height=281][/img]

If you read ONE book this year, make it "Fighter Pilot".

[quote]Robin Olds was many things to many people. To his West Point football coach he was an All American destined for the National College Football Hall of Fame. To his P-38 and P-51 wartime squadrons in WWII he was the aggressive fighter pilot who made double ace and became their commander in nine short months. For the pioneers of the jet age, he was the wingman on the first jet demo team, a racer in the Thompson Trophy race, and [u]the only U.S. exchange officer to command an RAF squadron[/u]. In the tabloid press he was the dashing flying hero who married the glamorous movie star. For the current crop of fighter pilots he is best known as the leader of the F-4 Wolfpack battling over North Vietnam. For cadets at the Air Force Academy he was a role model and mentor. He was all of those things and more.

Here's Robin's story in his own words and gleaned from the family and friends of his lifetime. Here's the talent and learning, the passion and leadership, the love and disappointments of his life. Few men have written on the tablets of aviation history with such a broad and indelible brush. Olds was a classic hero with vices as well as virtues, a life writ large that impacted many.[/quote]

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I like how the two-star told him in [u]1961[/u] that conventional flying skills were obsolete.


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