F-4's Over The Grand Canyon

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Fuselage overlap, goddammit! 

There [u]will be[/u] fuselage overlap for takeoff and landing.

John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

Nice smooth rotation by lead.  Not his first rodeo...
Four Bars
Posts: 87
Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:48 am

How the heck does one achieve “fuselage overlap”?
I’ve done wing overlap but not this “fuselage overlap”...
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Watch a really shitty formation takeoff (or landing) sometime - the wing
will string out a long way back, because it "feels good".  Dangerous -
people have died pulling that stupid shit.

Here are some really crappy pilots, doing a formation biplane landing
with fuselage overlap. 

Pilots this shitty shouldn't be allowed to possess property or live in
Canada, any more.  The Aeronautics Act says it is so.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Nobody remembers Pax River.

Stringing out your formation takeoffs may feel good, but it
looks like shit, and it will kill you, sooner or later.

There will be no new causes of accidents in 2019.

Out-of-visual formation is fatal.  This is why you should

[size=14pt]LOOK OUTSIDE[/size]
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