Teaching tail wheel flying.

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Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Beef.  Go to Oshkosh.

Bring scotch  and moutain dew. 
Motivation will follow.

July 24th......

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

It would be much cheaper to buy it there. We have not finished deciding if we are going this year.
Chuck Ellsworth

Now that this subject has been up here for a while how many here have noticed that by teaching it in the order and method I do that it saves time by learning to control yaw on the ground before going flying?
Posts: 84
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:29 pm

Chuck, you should put that to music.

I'm very lucky to be doing exactly that list every day.

I get to send first solo's and PPL check rides in a Citabria
with heel brakes which is a blessing in disguise and dramatically
cuts down the rubber marks left from landing with the brakes on.

I'd add to the list, mandatory one wheel take off and landings
prior to wheel landings, and no flap allowed until all the
other skills are demonstrated to "the standard" expected.


[font=Verdana]"It gave me a much better understanding of the stall and why I want to avoid it"[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Yes +100 - The falling leaf at partial power is a superb exercise. Its probably one of the best ways to understand, stall, yaw, adverse yaw etc. at minimum cost and minimum training time and one of the best ways to evaluate a pilots basic handling competency. [/font]

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