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The Dread Pilot Roberts
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With Covid 19 screwing up every pilots careers with no end in site to this madness why would anyone want to be a pilot?

I was driving near my local airport and watched a few 172 in the circuit and thought back to my flight training. Back then I could see a demand for pilots and air travel growing.
Today I watched them buzz around and thought I hope they're learning to fly for themselves.

Perhaps this will lead to a boom of GA again? no one wants to hop on an airliner so why not fly yourself?

Random thoughts I know, but good god why would you plunk down your money to compete against 10 thousand other laid off experienced pilots for the 10 jobs out there next spring.

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At the risk of offending the ever-present and all-powerful Egalitarian Left ...

Everyone is different. They're allowed to be.

For example, I am a terrible artist. No artistic ability whatsoever. Can't
draw or shade a curved line to save my life.

I have a friend in La Belle Province that is a marvellously skilled artist -
he effortlessly penned this:


He should be an artist. I should not be. Despite what the Left tells you,
you cannot push on a rope, and water runs downhill.

Figure out what you're good at, and get really good at it.

It might be flying. It might be coding. It might be drawing. It might be surfing. It might be wrenching.

Everyone is different.
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That's really good advice.

I follow Garry Vayerchuk and he is always saying double down on what your good at.
You don't see Wayne Gretzky trying to improve his jump shot to be better rounded person or athlete.

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Many people spend time doing things they are not good at, which makes me sad.

If you do what you are good at, you will excel. This will make you feel good. You
will be motivated to do it more, and learn more about it, and get better at it, and
continue to excel.

Eventually you will be very, very good at it, and you can effortlessly create value.

I realize this makes me sound like some idiot like Tony Robbins, but it's true.

Ideally, you should enjoy greatly doing something that creates enormous value,
which will get you money for nothing, and your chicks for free. I like that song,
because like me, it was pretty funny, and it was banned from Canada.
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Tony must be doing something right, I see his Global Express in PBI often. Heck one day he had his BBJ in there beside it. I mean if you got Global money why not get a 737 to go with it right?

He must being telling people what they need / want to hear, kind of like those preachers I run into every now and then with a G5 or Global. You know doing gods work.
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It's important to remember that half of the world has a double (or single)
digit IQ. And they have money, and can vote.

This explains an awful lot of what we see around us. Important to remember.

I watched a Jordan Peterson video where he explains that one sixth of the
population is simply too stupid to be trained to do anything useful. Over a
billion people.


FWIW most of the programmers I have worked with over the decades were
pretty bright guys. Generally top 1% (IQ 130-140) gets you in the door. You
will be a good programmer with an IQ of 150 (1/1000) and the very best
programmers will have an IQ around 160 (Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,
around 1/10,000).

I might point out that IQ is necessary but not sufficient. Smell the Venn diagrams.
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