Flight Instructor under review

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Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

I go through job ads every so often as it gives a pretty good indication of the state of the industry.

Came across an ad for instructors that stated...” not under TC review”

What does that mean?  Is it a common thing?


TC keeps a record of how well each instructor's students do on the flight tests.  When an instructor has more than 3 out of their last ten students fail, that instructor is placed under review.  It usually just means that the CFI at their FTU has to provide a higher level of supervision for their next 5 students.  If those students are successful then the instructor goes back on their merry way.
I do know of one poor fellow who showed up at TC for his flight test to upgrade from a Class III to a Class II.  The inspector pulled the flight test record for his students, found 4 of the last 10 had failed.  Not only did that poor fellow not get a Class II rating that day, he left the building as an instructor under supervision (essentially a Class IV)
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Fun Fact:

A CFI at a large puppy mill in Canada was “under TC review” not too long ago. :)
Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Thanks McCrit.  That is interesting.

Any idea how many, or what percentages of flight instructors get put under review in a year?

And what happens, if under review and one of the next four is not successful?
Does the CFI hold any responsibility for instructors coming under review..., for example, if two or three out of six instructors come under review, I would assume TC might be looking at the CFI.

First I have heard of this and it is intriguing.  I appreciate your advice.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I wouldn’t get too concerned about this.

TC doesn’t care if instructors crash. 

TC doesn't care if instructors can't fly.

TC doesn't care if instructors can't teach.

Paper is a long way down the list.
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