Netjets Pilots Contract Negotiations

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5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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I heard Southwest just got a 50% bump in pay.

That will make the flight instructors here happy - they all go there at 1500TT
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No shit;There I was last night.

We require new hires to sit in the jumpseat and observe a few flights before they start OE.

Well the kid last night (good kid, nothing against him) literally is going from C172 to A320 in his logbook.

Sign of the times.

I get a raise Jan 1st. I definitely need it….
Twin Beech restoration:
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Just back from sim my right seat meat pilot Flight Safety provides to you when on course solo just broke 1000 hours pretty much all if that in sims and a bit operating contract flights.

Anyway he was humming and hawing about a home based job (commute you to plane) paying 85K with all the perks, vacation, 401K etc.

I explained to him how to warm a can of no name ravioli in a 206 up north in the bush making 10 bucks an hour airtime.
5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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