I kinda suck at landing....

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Chuck Ellsworth
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It's a shame to see the crap on AVCAN and people just chipping and crapping on each other.
How come Avcanada has not become the best forum in aviation since they banned us bad people such as the colonel and me?

I got a permanent ban because I gave an honest opinion about safe and unsafe airports to leave your airplane parked over night unattended.

Fortunately I have not been banned on this site so I can still stay in touch with aviation.

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I doubt if you would ever be banned here -- we will just cut off your condom supply :mrgreen:
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
David MacRay
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TwinOtterFan wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:45 am

A few days ago on my way back from the PA I landed flat and hard, nothing broken but it was a junk landing, it happened the next day again. I was already feeling like shit about the previous day so this didn't help things.

I went home pretty devastated (I'm very hard on myself), anyway I remembered this post, went back, read it a couple times and yesterday went for some circuits to sort myself out.
I totally understand. I do try to be healthy about it and just use those events as a learning tool. Sometimes I can’t.

Eventually I will move on, it’s pointless to dwell on negative things. Knowing that doesn’t stop me though.

It’s nice when I can get at least one better landing in after a botched one. Easier to leave the airport satisfied when I finish with a good one.
Chuck Ellsworth
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I doubt if you would ever be banned here -- we will just cut off your condom supply
I can't wear a condom.

The tire iron rips them trying to get them on.
David MacRay
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I just wanted to come back to point out that you are improving since making the thread. Next time you have a bad landing do not consider it a reflection of you.
You probably land well a lot more often.
TwinOtterFan wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:45 am
Well, thanks to Chuck, The Colenol and LC, I greased 11kts Xwind landings all morning and It was awesome. So thanks gents, much appreciated.
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That is something I need to work on for sure, I am very hard on myself. That day had started out poorly, wife is pregnant and stressed about living where we live, no gas in the car when I left, weather was turning and the plane I got assigned I am not a fan of, it's just another 172P but it used to be a float plane and for some reason it just dose not fly like the others. It is sloppy on the ground and doesn't want to trim out at all. It so nor.ally needs for more pitch up attitude to hit climb speed. I wonder if it has a different prop than the others.

But, I don't like excuses so I came back read this thread again and went back at it. I also took that same plane because I wanted to prove it to myself.
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one thing to remember about landings. You will always go through a period, whether you have 20 hours or 20,000 hrs, you will cycle through periods where you can't even beg a good landing, you will bang them on for a period of time and then just like magic you will be back in the groove. I have experienced this on several occasions and at some point you just need to shrug it off.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
Big Pistons Forever
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I think it is important to point out that within reason the force you hit the runway does not have a lot to do with how “good” a landing is.

A touchdown with a bit of a bump that is on the centre line, at the preselected touchdown point, with the aircraft in the ideal landing attitude is a “good” landing

A squeaker that is at some random point on the runway, not on the centreline and so flat the 3 wheels almost touch at the same time, may feel nice, but it is not a “good” landing.

In any case my experience is that the probability of one of those beautiful touchdowns where you can barely feel the wheels spinning up is inversely proportional to how badly you want to impress someone. :oops:

My very very best landings always seem to occur when I am alone in the airplane and the airport is deserted. :cry:
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One of my passengers on Friday let out a bit of a yelp when we hit the runway quite firmly indeed, landing on a 1500ft runway. For a short-field landing, a somewhat firm landing is usually desired.

You can pretty much guarantee a perfectly smooth landing by adding some power in the flare if you want. Useful if landing on a beach or other potentially soft surface.
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Hitting the target is the most important part of landing, no floating, no hunting just have the wheels on the ground where you want to.

That goes for any type of aircraft, runway behind you is bordering on the most useless commodity in the world. Applies to takeoffs as well.

I have had F/A's complain that their tits are down by their ankles. Going into Pang there were always screamers, moaners and criers in the back and we could hear them, it was truly a weird experience.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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